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Can Dentures Make My Face Look Different?

September 27, 2022


close up dental model of dentures with floss

If you're considering getting dentures, you're likely wondering how they'll affect your appearance. While dentures can be a great way to improve your smile and overall oral health, poorly fitted ones won't give you the results you're hoping for. Let's take a closer look below at how dentures can make your face look different.

Slight sagging over time

As you age, your face loses muscle tone and starts to droop. This is usually caused by genetics and lifestyle, but it can be exaggerated by dentures that are too large for your mouth or poorly fitted to your jawline. Sagging is also an inevitable part of wearing dentures over a long period of time, so it's important that they're relined if they become loose or you notice a change in the shape or appearance of your face.

Swollen lips and cheeks

Swollen lips, cheeks or gums are other signs that your dentures don't fit properly. The problem is usually caused by the dentures being too wide for your mouth. This can make them feel very uncomfortable, and over time can cause sores and ulcers to form on your lips. If this happens, we recommend visiting a specialist who will be able to adjust them so they are less painful to wear.

Sunken lips

The impact of dentures on your appearance can be exacerbated by the sinking in of your lower lip. This is a natural consequence of long-term wear, but it's something that can be avoided with proper denture care. Good dentures should stay firmly in place in the mouth as you eat, speak, laugh and perform other activities, so if this isn't happening, then they will need to be adjusted to better fit your mouth. What's more, if the denture is too high on your gums, it will start to jut out from the lower part of your jaw and create an odd bulge in your face. If the denture is too low on your gums, then it will make an indentation at the bottom of your jawline and rest on top of what would normally be healthy skin there.

Witch’s chin

Poorly fitted dentures can also cause something called witch's chin, which is another term for a sunken chin (deep wrinkling around the mouth and less biting strength). This occurs due to bone loss, which happens when tooth roots are missing from the jaw. If you've lost some of your teeth, bone loss is inevitable, but poorly fitted dentures can accelerate this by increasing the pressure on your gums. 


If your dentures are made and fitted well, they shouldn't cause the problems listed above - in fact, they should improve your appearance! Plus, they may even help you look younger, boosting your confidence and improving your social life. Well-fitting dentures will also minimise any visible changes that may occur due to ageing or other factors such as tooth loss and bone loss. What's more, well-fitting dentures will protect the rest of your teeth from any cracks or damage, maintaining your smile.

Your dentist can help you to choose dentures that suit your specific needs perfectly. Here at The Denture Care Group Sunshine Coast, we have over 35 year’s experience and are happy to answer questions about both full and partial dentures.

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